As the wedding planner, our job is to be able to solve any problems that arise during the wedding or event we’re working on. We’re hired to be able to put out fires so well that they aren’t even noticed by the guests, and especially the bride, groom, and their families. It’s a huge burden to hold on our shoulders but I would be lying if I didn’t say I thoroughly enjoy thinking on my feet and being able to keep the show going! That being said, we need to be prepared for anything and with that, I bring you my blog post on Planner Kits, or what I like to call my “Planner Boxes”.
Before each wedding & event season, I make sure to go through my boxes, re-stock and add in some new items I might have decided I need from the previous season. When I first started building out my boxes, I did some research online to see what other planners had in their magic bags. I found a few blogs but not many to work off of, so I wanted to post exactly what is in my Planner Boxes for you all!
We’re all always learning, so if you’re a planner or other event professional and you have suggestions I’m all ears! Otherwise, I hope this helps some of you to prep for the season!
Cheers to a stellar season for all!